

It is essential that you read the detailed guidelines before you submit.

Abstracts which do not adhere to the guidelines will not be reviewed.

Poster prizes will be awarded by the BDIAP and the Pathological Society. Details to be announced. 

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Submission Process

The abstract submission process for Liverpool Pathology 2023 will be through an online submission portal.


  1. The Presenting Author must submit the abstract and is required to be the corresponding author for that abstract.
  2. You do not need to register for the meeting in order to submit the abstract.
  3. All abstracts must be received by the submission deadline to be included in the review.
  4. Abstracts must be submitted in English.

Poster Preparation

For those who have had an abstract accepted for the meeting (congratulations!), please find below guidelines for preparing your poster.

If you have any questions please contact the Liverpool Pathology 2023 Programme Team by email

Terms & Conditions

  • The abstract submitted adheres to the abstract submission guidelines outlined on Liverpool Pathology 2023 Website.
  • The abstract submitted is in English.
  • This abstract has only been submitted once for Liverpool Pathology 2023.
  • It is the responsibility of the Presenting Author to submit the abstract. They are the main contact whose responsibility it is to communicate with other co-authors.
  • The Presenting Author is available to present in person at the meeting between 27 and 29 June 2023.
  • The Presenting Author must register and pay in full by the deadline indicated in the abstract review outcome email. If they do not register and pay in full, the abstract will be removed from the programme and any associated publications.
  • The Presenting Author has obtained permission from all authors to submit the abstract to Liverpool Pathology 2023.
  • The text of the abstract, along with the names and affiliations, poster and/or additional documents as requested, may be published on the meeting website, on the meeting app and in the Journal of Pathology, and this will not raise any copyright issues.
  • All grammar/content has been checked and the submitter acknowledges that the abstract if published in the Journal of Pathology and on the website and/or app will appear as submitted.
  • A submission as a particular presentation type (oral or poster) or theme may be changed to a different type/theme following review in order to be accepted and included in the programme.


Important Dates

Call for Abstracts
February 2023

Abstract Submission Ends
02 April 2023

Notification of Review Outcome
24 April 2023

Accepted authors to register to confirm attendance
22 May 2023

Final Programme Available Online
24 April 2023